Why do I build it ?
Why to I look at various asundry items where ever I go and think about how I might use what ever it is to make some "necessary" and "much needed" equipment ?
This is a complex question. The simple answer is
MONEY, or the
lack there of to purchase the overpriced niche equipment that pervades film and video. My introduction into the DIY filmmaking fraternity was with my first "steady-cam". I looked at some footage I had filmed of my daughter at the park and despaired at the shaky
footage and how I could use it.
The Beginning........ |
Thus began the RESEARCH. I combed through blogs and forums as well as Youtube for hints, tips, how-to's. With the video's posted by WSCLATER documenting his steady-cam build, I proceeded to construct my own version.By scrounging around I was able to construct it using some t-track, roller blade bearings, an old aluminum ski pole and an over-sized socket, as a counter weight. I built a usable assembly that could be construed as a video stabilizer. Having only spent a couple of dollars on washers for the build, I was hooked. This was the beginning..........
DIY "Spinner" DOF adapter.........
What followed is a series of constructions that have included a "spinner" depth of field adapter, 3 different fig rig combinations (one is completely unique), a skater dolly (thanks to Emm at
cheesy cam ), a dolly track for the skater dolly, 3 adjustable lighting c-stands, a monopod rig, and a slider dolly, with more equipment to come. Each piece of equipment eating valuable time in research, so much so that my wife began calling it my "Porn".
Even though several of the things I have made, I could afford to purchase, I think the satisfaction that I get when someone asks "Where did you get this?" combined with the lopsided admiring look they give upon my answer, provides more than enough incentive to keep making other equipment in the future. I believe that it this is the true reason why the DIY bug continues to lurk. So with many more builds to come and perhaps a tutorial or two I close with just a thought. "
When you build it, Keep It Simple Stupid !" and maybe your wife may not seem to mind that much of you looking at "porn" .
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